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The Pros and Cons of Renewable Energy Sources

by L7e 2023. 2. 15.

Renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly popular due to concerns about the environment and the depletion of fossil fuels. While renewable energy sources have many benefits, they also have some downsides. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of renewable energy sources.


Renewable energy sources are sources of energy that are replenished naturally and never run out. These sources include solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, and biomass. Unlike non-renewable energy sources like coal, oil, and natural gas, renewable energy sources do not emit harmful pollutants into the atmosphere.

Pros of Renewable Energy

1. Clean and Sustainable

Renewable energy sources are clean and sustainable. Unlike non-renewable energy sources, renewable energy sources do not emit greenhouse gases, which contribute to global warming and climate change. This makes them a great alternative to fossil fuels.

2. Energy Independence

Renewable energy sources provide energy independence. They reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy, which can be subject to political instability and price fluctuations.

3. Low Cost

Renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly cost-competitive with non-renewable energy sources. The cost of renewable energy sources has been decreasing over time, making them an attractive option for many people.

4. Job Creation

The renewable energy sector is a growing industry that creates jobs. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the renewable energy sector employed 11 million people worldwide in 2018.

5. Reduced Air and Water Pollution

Renewable energy sources do not emit pollutants that harm air or water quality. This means that renewable energy sources can help reduce air and water pollution, which can have significant health benefits.

Cons of Renewable Energy

1. Intermittency

Renewable energy sources are intermittent. The sun does not shine 24/7, and the wind does not blow continuously. This means that renewable energy sources cannot provide a constant and reliable source of energy.

2. Cost

While the cost of renewable energy sources has been decreasing over time, they are still more expensive than non-renewable energy sources in some cases. This can make it difficult for some people to switch to renewable energy sources.

3. Land Use

Renewable energy sources like wind and solar require large amounts of land. This can be a challenge in densely populated areas where land is at a premium.

4. Environmental Impact

While renewable energy sources do not emit pollutants into the air or water, they can have an environmental impact. For example, hydropower can impact fish populations, and wind turbines can impact bird populations.

5. Energy Storage

Renewable energy sources require energy storage to ensure a constant and reliable source of energy. However, energy storage can be expensive and difficult to scale.


Renewable energy sources have many benefits, including being clean, sustainable, and providing energy independence. However, they also have downsides, such as intermittency, land use requirements, and environmental impact. Despite these downsides, renewable energy sources are an important part of our energy mix and will play a critical role in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.


Renewable energy sources have many benefits, including being clean, sustainable, and providing energy independence. They also create jobs and reduce air and water pollution. However, they have downsides, such as intermittency, cost, land use requirements, and environmental impact. Despite these downsides, renewable energy sources are an important part of our energy mix and will play a critical role in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.



