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The influence of race on global politics and international relations

by L7e 2023. 2. 8.


Race has been a major factor in shaping global politics and international relations throughout history. From colonialism to the modern day, race has been used to justify and legitimize the exploitation of certain populations and the maintenance of unequal power dynamics between nations and within them. In this article, we will explore the ways in which race has influenced global politics and international relations, both in the past and present.

The Role of Race in Colonialism

One of the earliest and most significant ways in which race has influenced global politics and international relations is through colonialism. European colonial powers, driven by a desire for economic expansion and political control, used race as a means of justifying their domination and exploitation of other peoples and territories.

In many cases, colonial powers portrayed the peoples they sought to colonize as inherently inferior and uncivilized, using this justification to claim the right to rule over them and take control of their resources and labor. The idea of racial superiority was used to defend and perpetuate the oppressive systems of exploitation and enslavement that characterized colonial rule.

The Impact of Racism on Global Politics Today

Although colonialism has officially ended in many parts of the world, the legacy of racism continues to shape global politics and international relations. In many countries, the effects of historical colonization and discrimination are still deeply felt, leading to ongoing political and social tensions.

One of the most significant ways in which race continues to influence global politics is through economic inequality. The legacy of colonialism has created a world where certain countries and populations continue to dominate economically and politically, while others are relegated to a marginal role. This creates a situation in which certain races and nations are able to exert disproportionate influence over global politics and international relations.

The Influence of Race on International Relations

Race also plays a role in shaping international relations and diplomacy between nations. In some cases, international relationships between countries can be influenced by racial biases and prejudices, leading to distrust and tension. In other cases, countries may use race as a tool of diplomacy, leveraging their racial identity to gain political advantage.

For example, the relationships between African nations and the Western world have often been shaped by racial tensions and biases, leading to a distrust and lack of cooperation that has hindered progress towards development and stability. On the other hand, some countries have used their shared racial identity as a basis for cooperation, as seen in the Pan-Asian movement that seeks to promote unity and cooperation among Asian nations.


In conclusion, race has been a major influence on global politics and international relations throughout history. From colonialism to the present day, race has been used to justify and perpetuate inequality, shape international relationships, and influence the balance of power between nations. In order to build a more just and equitable world, it is important to understand the ways in which race continues to shape global politics and international relations, and work to overcome the legacy of racism that persists today.


Race has had a significant impact on global politics and international relations throughout history, from colonialism to the present day. The legacy of colonialism has created ongoing economic inequality, and race continues to shape international relationships and the balance of power between nations. In order to build a more just and equitable world, it is important to understand the role of race in shaping global politics and work to overcome the legacy of racism.
