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The influence of religion on education policies and practices

by L7e 2023. 2. 8.


Religion has been a significant part of human civilization for thousands of years, influencing every aspect of life, including education. The relationship between religion and education is complex and has evolved over time, but the influence of religion on education policies and practices has been profound. In this article, we will explore how religion has shaped education policies and practices throughout history and how it continues to do so today.

Historical Overview

Throughout history, religion has been a major source of inspiration for educational systems. In ancient civilizations such as Greece, Egypt, and India, religion was the foundation of education. The teachings of religion provided the moral and ethical foundations of society and were taught through the education system. In medieval Europe, the Catholic Church was the dominant force in education, providing instruction through monasteries and convents.

In the Renaissance, the Reformation and Enlightenment brought about a shift in attitudes towards education and religion. The Protestant Reformation emphasized the importance of individual interpretation of scripture, leading to an emphasis on education as a means of interpreting the Bible. The Enlightenment period saw a move towards secular education and a rejection of religious influence in education.

The influence of religion on education today

While the influence of religion on education has diminished in some societies, it remains a significant factor in many others. In some countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, religion plays a dominant role in education policies and practices. In these countries, religious teachings are incorporated into the curriculum and are used to shape the way students think about the world.

In other countries, such as the United States, the influence of religion on education is more indirect. In the US, the separation of church and state means that religion cannot play a direct role in education, but religious values and beliefs often shape the attitudes of educators and policymakers. For example, some conservative religious groups in the US advocate for the teaching of creationism in science classes, which has led to debates about the role of religion in science education.

The role of religion in shaping education policies

Religion has played a significant role in shaping education policies throughout history. In many countries, religious groups have been at the forefront of the fight for education for all. For example, the Catholic Church has been instrumental in promoting education in developing countries, establishing schools and universities in areas where education was lacking.

Religious groups also play a role in shaping education policies by advocating for their beliefs to be reflected in the curriculum. In some cases, this has led to the inclusion of religious teachings in the curriculum, while in other cases it has led to controversy and conflict.

The influence of religion on educational practices

Religion can also influence educational practices in a variety of ways. For example, religious schools often emphasize the importance of moral and ethical values, which are incorporated into the curriculum and teaching methods. Religious schools may also have a different approach to discipline and student behavior, which is informed by their religious beliefs.

Religion can also play a role in shaping the attitudes of educators and students towards education. For example, religious beliefs about the importance of education can inspire students to work hard and pursue their education, while religious attitudes towards certain subjects, such as evolution or sex education, can shape the way these subjects are taught.


The influence of religion on education is complex and multifaceted, and it has played a significant role in shaping education policies and practices throughout history. While the influence of religion on education has diminished in some societies, it remains a significant factor in many others. The role of religion in shaping education will continue to be an important issue in the years to come, as religious beliefs and values continue to shape the attitudes of educators, policymakers, and students towards education.
